Author Responsibilities

The IJITCE distributes its technical publications throughout the world and wants to ensure that the material submitted to its publications is properly available to the readership of those publications. Authors must ensure that their work meets the requirements as covering originality, authorship, author responsibilities.

Author/Employer Rights

If you are employed and prepared the work on a subject within the scope of your employment, the copyright in the work belongs to your employer as a work-for-hire. In that case, the IJITCE assumes that when you sign copyright Form, you are authorized to do so by your employer and that your employer has consented to the transfer of copyright, to the representation and warranty of publication rights, and to all other terms and conditions of this Form. If such authorization and consent has not been given to you, an authorized representative of your employer should sign this Form as the Author.

IJAET Copyright Ownership

It is the formal policy of the IJITCE to own the copyrights to all copyrightable material in its technical publications and to the individual contributions contained therein, in order to protect the interests of the IJITCE, its authors and their employers, and, at the same time, to facilitate the appropriate re-use of this material by others. The IJITCE distributes its technical publications throughout the world and does so by various means such as hard copy, and electronic media.

Screening for Plagiarism policy

It is important to look in more detail at the different types of plagiarism, because students often plagiarise due to ignorance or carelessness rather than intent. Very simply, plagiarism is the unacknowledged use of other people's ideas or work. Plagiarism is often unintentional and can be avoided through careful work habits. Whether intentional or unintentional, plagiarism is recognized as a serious academic offence.

These are some examples of plagiarism. Misrepresenting someone else's work as your own: ? Copying another student's paper or an article from a journal or website

Copying sentences or paragraphs without properly citing their source.

Using specific facts without proper attribution.

Using a specific argument or logic without crediting the source Using art, graphs, illustrations, maps, statistics, photographs, etc. without complete and proper citation.

Translating a work from one language to another without complete and proper citation.

Paraphrasing or summarizing information from a source without proper acknowledgement.

Re-writing a section but not making it sufficiently different from the original (even if cited appropriately)

We use online free plagiarism checkers like duplicatechecker, dustball to identify authors work from various online tools. If tools given original work rating should be >= 60% only we will consider the work to publish.

Types of Submissions Accepted

Research papers in engineering, including systems analysis, design, implementation, synthesis and maintenance. Type of papers could be Survey, review papers, case studies, position papers or reports like technical reports, engineering reports on a methodological with conclusions. Provide comprehensive review on a scientific topic and ongoing research with technical notes.

Criteria for acceptance

In accepting work for publication, the editors and reviewers give special weight to readability and interest value for a wide readership. All papers are reviewed by at least two expert referees as well as an editor. The Editors' decision is final.

Criteria for withdrawal

We have to respect the reviewers time. So, authors are advice to make decision of withdrawal within 5 days of submission for any reason. We will mark as rejected paper if you withdraw after 5 days because review process is begin within 5 days. Once paper is updated to status page it will not be removed even the paper is withdrawn after 5 days.

Electronic Submission:

Prepare initial submissions in accordance with the instructions above and send them as attachments to e-mail ( to the Editors in word format.

IJITCE Paper format (MS Word file included manuscript):

Any communication sent to authors should get response within 5 days otherwise submitted manuscript will me move to reject to publication status due to no communication from author. The Editors' decision is final. All papers should be submitted in Journal format as Windows word document. PDF format will not be accepted

IJITCE Copyright Form: IJITCE Copyright Form:


To enable the Publisher to protect the copyright of the journal, authors must sign copyright form with their manuscripts to the Journal. All submitted manuscripts must be accompanied by a copyright form signed by all authors that the article is original, is not under consideration by another journal, has not previously been published elsewhere and its content has not been anticipated by any previous publication.